Students can learn to play both lead and rhythm guitar in our spacious Sunnyvale music studios.

At 5 Star School of Music, we encourage students - ages 4 to seniors - to explore playing various instruments - guitar, bass guitar, drums, ukulele - to see which instrument sounds and feels right for them.

Even Spider Man enjoys learning to play the drums at our 5 Star Music school in Sunnyvale!

Playing along with artist IZ’s recording of “Somewhere Over
The Rainbow,” a great song for the ukulele and guitar

Some of our more advanced guitar students enjoy learning to play the Chapman Stick at 5 Star School for Music in Sunnyvale.

Some students prefer to learn to play acoustic guitar at our 5 Star Sunnyvale music school.

Students getting ready to jam for their guitar, bass and ukulele workshop.

Students singing togther resulting in a soulful, passionate sound during a 5 Star Music School conert!

The “joy of music!" Another happy student estatic about learing to play an instrument at 5 Star School for Music