5 Star School For Music Sunnyvale
Parents who support their children’s musical endeavors are providing the opportunity for creativity, self-expression and achievement. This could be one of the best gifts you could give your child.
Studies have shown that music education is beneficial for your child’s brain. It can enhance language and spatial skills and help to prepare your child for learning other subjects in school like mathematics, spelling and English.
For many students, the study of music is a lifetime friend. This is why it’s so important to acknowledge your child’s feelings when choosing an instrument, they would like to play.
Why Study Music?
Music is History
It reflects the environment and times during it’s creation.
Music is Mathematical
It requires counting, fractions and synchronization.
Music is Physical Education
It requires physical coordination between, brain, eyes, fingers, hands and arms.
Music is Art
It allows the player to utilize techniques learned and use them to express emotion and feeling through expression of the music.
Music is a Powerful Stress Release
It takes your mind off of work, school and problems.
Music is Meditation
When you empty your mind you release resistance.
Music is a Positive Alternative to Negative and Non-Productive Influences
Such as video game, TV, and substance abuse.
Music is a Great Form of Self-Expression and Self-Growth
Some feelings and emotions are best expressed through music.
Music is all of these things, but most important, Music is Fun!
5 Star School For Music Sunnyvale Call: (408) 773-1888 | https://5starmusic.com/
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Music lessons for the South Bay: Sunnyvale, Mountain View San Jose, Campbell, Palo Alto